
Creating orders manually

Orders can be created from the orders page of the Dashboard.

Orders page

To create orders manually in case you're moving existing customers from a different system, please use the + icon and fill in the fields as follow:

Fields with a ? mark are optional and don't need to be filled in unless you know exactly why they are being filled in. An exception to this is the Order valid for? field

Orders are usually fulfilled within 1 minute, if you create an order the status will be AWAITING_PROCESSING for a short while (~1 minute) and then will turn into ACTIVE as soon as the proxies are assigned by our backend.


This field is for choosing the customer of which the order will be created for, you can type in this field either the customer ID, Discord ID or email to start searching the customer and select it.

By default you won't see any customers in the dropdown until you type few letters.


This field is for choosing the product of which the order will be related to, you can type in this field either the product name or ID to start searching the product and select it.

By default you won't see any products in the dropdown until you type few letters.

Existing subscription ID?

This field is optional and is only needed if you are setting up an order which has an active subscription on Stripe and want to link it to the new Dashboard. This should be the subscription ID from Stripe which looks like sub_xxxxx (not sub_sched_ or anything else)

When filled, this adds in metadata to the subscription which helps the site link the subscription back to the order when needed and on renewals.


We recommend avoid using this unless 100% necessary, if you have the option to cancel existing subscriptions and asking users to setup new ones on the Dashboard please do so.

Order quantity

This is the quantity of proxies that will be assigned to the user.

Order valid for?

This is the period/number of days the order will be active for starting from current datetime. This is a required field and you can use any custom number here. Expiration will be calculated by this field for initial order.

Extend an existing order?

This is an optional field and not needed in most cases. It's only useful in case you're adding days to a previous/already existing order, in that case you need to add the previous order ID to this and the previous order will be renewed according to the data you input

Assign proxies?

This is an optional field that defaults to Automatic. There are 2 options Automatic and Manual.

With Automatic option chosen the proxies for this order will be assigned randomly from the available proxies in the selected product's pool. This is the safest option and what you should be using most of the time.

With Manual option chosen the proxies for this order will be assigned by providing a list of proxy IPs or proxies in IP:port:user:password format. This option is only needed if you are transitioning from an existing system and you want to ensure users have the exact lists.


This option has no protections, checks or any other measures of ensuring that the proxies you input exist, are correct or available. If you input a list of IPs these will be assigned to the order if they exist regardless of whether or not these were assigned to a different customer.

Please make sure you're adding proxies that are not already assigned through the Dashboard to different customers/orders otherwise these will be removed from them and added to the new orders.